Freezer Paper Piecing Magic Tip #4 answers the oft-asked question: How many times can I use a freezer paper foundation?

One of my bigger frustrations with paper piecing is the mess it creates. Four kids, two dogs – I’ve got ENOUGH mess! I knooooow you don’t want more mess either.
Reusing the freezer paper – and not ripping it into shreddy bits – is one of the best bonuses. Save the tired fingers, nix the mess and we’re happier quilters. Magical.
And I have LESS paper floating around, covering work tables or getting lost.
Natalie said it best with her cute “ta da” moment! Her note says, “What?!!? No paper all over the floor!”

How many times Can You use a Freezer Paper fOUndation?
A freezer paper foundation can be used again and again and AGAIN, and…
But just how many times can you reuse a foundation? Quilters wanna know.
Well, let’s talk about it!
In this quick video below, I answer a commonly asked question about freezer paper piecing – how many times can you use a foundation?
More than 20 times (TWENTY!).
Yup. I’ll explain the factors that contribute to that success.
And, yes, these triangles are directly from a free class you can take anytime (grab your links below). It’s super cute!
I hope these tips help you embrace and enjoy freezer paper piecing! You can do it.
Are you ready get started with this method?
- Get the free FPP Guide –
- Get a pattern and take my free class –
And by the way, watch the class anytime when you’re ready (but now is a great time!). Save the link to your Favorites or desktop.
xo Rebecca
Thank you for this very helpful posting. I have done a very small amount of paper piecing and am still very afraid of it. I will be applying your information and I appreciate your help very much!!!
I’ve got the patterns, now I just need the time. – THANKS for all you youtubes.
I am so inspired by your triangles! I am trying freezer paper now and I am so impressed how often I can use it. Thanks for your helpful videos’
– from a fan in Canada!