The hottest blocks on the block (in the hottest month) are found here! Our members are busy sewing to stay cool. A quilter’s perfect solution to summer sizzle.

Click on the slideshow below to see all the ta-da moments and blocky progress. The Aurora BOM is live in progress, while other members are taking advantage of their membership perks – a full library of downloadable BOM quilts and blocks with video lessons and workbooks, tutorials and fun projects to make anytime.
TA-Da moments
SQUEEEEEE! So many finishes happen while making a quilt:
- Finishing cutting out pieces
- Finishing blocks
- Finishing rows
- Finishing quilting
…and finishing it off with binding!
Heather O. is so excited about finishing the Solstice top. Congratulations, Heather!

Finishes are the BEST! What a feeling!
Progress is SQUEE-worthy, too. Linda S. has made steady progress on the Stargazer quilt, one of the BOM quilts inside the club. Yay, Linda!

When the heat is non-stop, we don’t need to make a big quilt. Just one block is a good alternative.
THe Hottest, newest BLockS on the BLock

Some members tested out the new member “Expansion Pack” block. Iral I. made this hot-headed triangle from her scraps – our newest block on the block #50. Make six of these to form a Starburst block set.

Deborah used Block #48 to change out the center blocks in the Cosmos BOM quilt. I love how she made it her own. Great job, Deborah!

Modern triangles are so versatile and fun to make. Learn how to make Outshine, a free block pattern and tutorial.
The hottest member makes Slideshow
Enjoy the show!
Rebecca xo
Wanna make the hottest blocks on the block?

- Master Freezer Paper Piecing – 12 Easy Tips
- Choose Easy Analogous Combinations for Quilts
- Beginners Guide: Using a Walking Foot
- Modern Quilt Colors: Mixing Brights Right Tutorial
- Celebrating Quilty Progress
- Rainbow Quilt Designs: 9 Ways to Make Inspired Rainbow Quilts
- Hexagon Quilts Roundup
- Aurora Block of the Month
- Quilt Coloring Pages: 4 Methods for Successful Color