Modern Triangle Member Makes in July are lighting up the Triangle Chatter community.
Modern triangles made by our members are fantastic versions of my little ol’ triangles. I supply preset colorways and ideas and they RUN WITH IT! (put the scissors DOWN FIRST…please.)
Cosmos is the current BOM but not the only block at the block party. hehe.

New members starting now get to be choosy – many start with previous block of the month projects or single triangle blocks and just as many jump into our current Cosmos BOM. Wherever they are, it’s the right starting place instead of feeling left behind.
Onward! Progress is the goal!
Member Makes – BLOCK 47
Test driving Block 47 is always popular because when you make one, you see – ah ha – the potential for fabrics and quilts!
Block 47 is also known as Scrappy Whirligig – a free class and pattern for your own test drive.
Faye T., a Make Modern Triangles member, made one and then a bunch more. They are so pretty.

Showing off our members’ progress is the bestes’ fun. Below, you’ll see the same design in many colorful versions. And some are design-tweaked, too. Full creative license here!
Michele M. kept going with rainbow blocks and here’s her quilt top ta-done! And ta-da!

Here’s Kristina’s six-tri beauty!

Make Modern Triangles members are fast learners in the art of celebration. Every time any one makes progress and posts a pic inside our community, the ta-da’s are flowing! You don’t have to be a member for long to get in on the progress pics action.
Underestimate progress? Not us.
We’re serious about celebrating because it’s a major deal to make progress. Life is throwing stuff at us and we do what we can. And whatever that looks like, we’re just so proud ourselves.
So while we’re celebrating Cosmos blocks, we’re also tapping our toes for every member’s make in the past month, including past BOM’s and recent workshops like the Magic Mini Freezer Paper Piecing Workshop.
First, sewing ovations for big finishes!
Julie B. had to finish her Cosmos for trip to gift to her son. Isn’t she pretty? Congrations!

Margaret S. and finished her Magic Mini top and learned freezer paper piecing. Congratulations!

Enjoy the show!
If you’re ready to try your first triangle or learn more about our Make Modern Triangles Club, take our free class by visiting this page.
Or checkout our related tutorials: