Sparkler BOM Month 2 member makes have arrived!
Make Modern Triangles Club members are an excited bunch of quilters. In fact, they could hardly wait for Month 2. (Psssst: I release them a few days early before the 3rd Monday of the month in case you’re ready).
I’m loving the Sparkler BOM Month 2 member makes result! I’m so proud of them!
This past month I’ve been hearing lots of cheering for the freezer paper piecing method. In fact, YOU might cheer soon because there is an updated, step-by-step photo tutorial and free downloadable guide on the blog. Click here to get yours.
Our sewjo is soaring because it’s way easier than regular paper piecing and gets great results. Gah!
Man, I’m so happy when I hear about these wins.
You know that feeling (joy!) when you complete a set of blocks? Look no further than our gallery for instant joy. See a beautiful Solstice finish by Erin A. – yah! – and the Sparkler BOM Month 2 Member Makes below.
Let’s Celebrate Member Makes!
solstice Quilt finish! WOO HOOOO!
Erin A. finished her Solstice BOM this month! Loved this posted surprise in the Triangle Chatter group.
Erin posted:
“I quilted an entire quilt!! It’s been a loooong time since I’ve done much of any kind of sewing in my studio. Quilting is always one of my least favorite parts of the process. But this time I took my time and really enjoyed working a little each day. I’ve got a TON of threads to bury but this is looking so great!“
NEXT UP: First-time freezer paper piecers
Yup, we’re feeling the maker’s high – progress, pride and confidence! And especially our members who are freezer paper piecing for the first time!
Members learn freezer paper piecing (FPP) inside the Make Modern Triangles club. FPP helps them assemble Sparkler triangles and blocks. Members are hooked! (attached? adhered?)
Block 49 is a perfect block for practicing FPP.
“My first FPP block! I think I’m hooked!!!
Carolyn K.
Carolyn K.’s second block.
Editor’s note: She is hooked!
TA-DA! Sparkler BOM Month 2 Makes
Test blocks are the ultimate time savers when it comes to big foundation pieced quilts. No one wants to make 32 botched blocks so I encourage members to test ’em first. Look at this little beauty…
Stay tuned for Sparkler Month 3 Member Makes!
rebeccabryan says
Wow! These are all so incredibly gorgeous! Thank you for sharing. <3 <3 <3
terry ellen says
Wow! Some very beautiful triangles. I love the black and white and red one by Amy. But all of them were fantastic.
June says
Beautiful – I wish I was brave enough to try that too.
Lori says
I would of never ventured into this quilt at this size. 90X120. Except my friend wanted to learn how to quilt and wanted to do triangles. So we ventured that path and it turned out beautiful. I would post a photo but see no area to up load a photo.
Ann Unes says
Wow! Those are some beautiful blocks! I love seeing the different colors and prints.
Vickie says
Such great work by everyone! I too am also hooked on this method of paper piecing.
Joanne Howell says
All of these are absolutely stunning. I cannot wait to have the time to start sewing gain and join everyone making this BOM.
Suzanne says
love, Love, LOVE ALL the beautiful colors and designs!!! WELL DONE, Ladies!!! THANK YOU for sharing, Rebecca!
Dianne says
I love this I must try this.
Maxine Kelly says
Just stunning, maybe I’ll be brave enough to try the next one!! It’s just beautiful!!