The morning finds me waking up early (on purpose! gasp!) in an effort to get on top of my day before the summer vacationing little ones wake. The house is dark; it’s almost raining here as a cloudburst just scoots to the south of me. (I so love a rainstorm.) The birds are chirping. The Today Show is on (I…
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This morning
Modern Medallion Blog Tour {Wedding Bouquet}
Giveaway is now closed – Jacklynn won! Thank you all for playing. I so enjoyed reading about your leisure activities while I finished my novel from the couch. It was a good week. 😉 — I can remember clearly the moment I discovered my love of medallion quilts. I’ve never been a fan of sampler quilts, so to my surprise…
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Me at Market
courtesy of C&T publications Will you be at Spring Quilt Market? I will! I’m looking forward to attending. This will be my first year that I have events. Here’s where I’ll be: My Schoolhouse session will be at 3:10-3:40 on Thursday May 14th. I’ll be sharing with Natalia Bonner. We’ll both be talking about our latest book releases. Then on…
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MonStar {Modern Rainbow}
Today, I’d like to share two(!) quilts with you, the original MonStar and a recent derivation 4 Little MonStars. Both are from my book, Modern Rainbow. So this is the original MonStar and as you can see, the quilt it a giant star, a monster star if you will, or a monstar. This quilt can be found in the Improvisational…
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Again with the thank yous :)
Apparently I’ve made it to the final round of the National Quilter’s Circle Blogger Awards, which really just blows my mind. There’s a huge huge huge amount of talented quilty and bloggy people out there, and just to be thought of is truly an honor. If you’d like to cast your vote for me or one of the other lovely…
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