Today I’m releasing my latest quilt pattern in PDF form: The B.F.F quilt. The quilt pattern is inspired by and based on the traditional “Friendship Knot” quilt block. Given it’s name it seemed fitting to name the pattern “B.F.F.” for “Best Friends Forever”. 🙂 The quilt block caught my eye a few years ago. After several failed attempts over the…
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The BFF Quilt {New Pattern}
Pretty Cowgirl Boots {Sizzix Post}
The Sizzix Quilting team is working on putting together a Round Robin type quilt full of cowboy boots for Fall Quilt market. We were each tasked with putting together a cowboy boot using the cowboy boot die. Well here’s mine and I dare say it’s not a cowboy boot, but a cowGIRL boot. Despite all my years in Texas, I…
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Fat Quarter Shop’s Summer Book Club
Hi guys! I just wanted to pop by to say that Fat Quarter Shop has a little interview with me about my book, Modern Rainbow, on their 2015 Summer Book Club over on their Jolly Jabber blog. Daniar, of the Fat Quarter Shop, is showing off her version of “Scattered” using the Lecien Modern Basics charm packs and the amazing…
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Double Fold Bias Tape {Tutorial}
Just a quick note to say I’m over at the Sizzix blog showing how to make quick single and double fold bias tape.
Jacks Pattern Testers
I’m extremely grateful to my pattern testers for providing insightful feedback and beautiful projects. Not only that, many of my testers used the pattern in ways that I didn’t and probably couldn’t think of. I love to see how people use the same thing differently. Now, how about a little pattern tester parade? These lovely ladies were some of my…
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