Playing with mommy’s hand sewing box. A mom can only hope? Right mom?
Wordless Wednesday: Quilter in training, two
Obsession Confession: I chose quilting
Tonight I have piles of mess everywhere. E.V.E.R.Y.W.H.E.R.E. (Gosh that was annoying to type!) See: mess But tonight, I chose to quilt instead. And face the mess another day. Like tomorrow. After work. When everyone is tired. That ought to work well. hehe. But! I finished all my red geese for my Christmas quilt WIP. All 174 red Christmas geese….
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Quilt top: pink and brown zig zags
A couple of nights ago, I finished a quilt top I’m making for a friend’s daughter. It was exciting! As you can see, the colors are pink and brown. I used this no triangle tutorial from Amanda Jean. All cut and stacked waiting to be layed out and pieced: Random thoughts: This quilt top was so mentally challenging for me….
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I like to hand quilt but…
I also like to get things done. So this stack? And his little brother (not pictured)? Will have to be machine quilted. Ever since I saw this quilt , I have wanted to make it. After much hemming and hawing, I gave in and decided to purchase 10(!) yards of fabric needed to make it. (It took me awhile to…
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Hexagons for show
I’m working with this fabric to make 4 different blocks to frame for some wall art to hang in my home. Here’s the first block. It occurred to me once I set it in my quilting hoop that it would look pretty just like that. So here it is all set to applique and embellish. But also looking pretty in…
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