Making modern triangles Cosmos BOM-style is getting snazzy as members’ blocks fill in!
We saw the coloring pages months ago and now they are bursting with color in reality. Showing off our members’ progress is the best fun. Below, you’ll see the same design in many colorful versions. And some are design-tweaked, too. Full creative license here!
I’m thinking there are infinite versions out there in the cosmos -hehe – waiting for the right quilters to dream them up.
Here’s to your dreaming and doing! Ta-da!

May’s member makes is taking another test drive as a video. A popcorn-worthy show with plenty of inspiration. April’s debut was the beta test and I’ve made a few tweaks. Let me know what you think in the comments.
Make Modern Triangles members are fast learners in the art of celebration. Every time any one makes progress and posts a pic inside our community, the ta-da’s are flowing! You don’t have to be a member for long to get in on the progress pics action.
Underestimate progress? Not us.
We’re serious about celebrating because it’s a major deal to make progress. Life is throwing stuff at us and we do what we can. And whatever that looks like, we’re busting out the pics as proof!

So while we’re celebrating Cosmos blocks, we’re also tapping our toes for every member’s make in the past month, including past BOM’s, Magic Mini Freezer Paper Piecing Workshop and Expansion Pack blocks (extra special extras in the hub for all members).
First, sewing ovations for big finishes!
Woooohoooo Judith B.! Her Sparkler BOM is cut, pieced, quilted and ON THE BED! Congratulations!

Member Ann G. wanted to make the Wildflower BOM quilt in between the monthly releases of the Cosmos blocks. She joined us during carpool at the virtual Sew In so we’re wondering…is there a sewing machine plugged into the charger?!
Congratulations, Ann! She’s a beautiful original!

Enjoy the show!
I love seeing the ta-da’s everyone made! Fantastic work! A little frustrated with the transition though, as soon as the green bar cleared and you could see the beautiful colors each person used, it would switch to the next one! Transitions are fun but I’d rather enjoy your students work! I’m going to watch again and try to pause during the one second that shows the true colors, hope the pause screen doesn’t block the view because they are just gorgeous!
Hi Jenni, I slowed down the slideshow – great suggestion!
I used your freezer paper piecing technique when I worked on the Traverse Row-by-row Quilt this year. Several rows were paper pieced and all the seams had to be exact to finish a row at 72 1/2″. It was a perfect way to get exactly what I needed. I even showed the method to others in my group who were doing this Quilt as well. They were thrilled with the ease of it.
So….Thank you so very much for teaching this skill. It is an amazing way to do paper piecing.
I’m still a newbie, and love to learn with your piecing patterns etc. I hope I am able to stay on with the free ones until I learn more.
Thanks again,