Cosmos BOM Month 2 member makes are here!
Make Modern Triangles Club members are an enthusiastic community of quilters. In fact, they could hardly wait for Month 2. (Psssst: I release them a few days early before the first day of the month in case you’re oh sew ready).
I’m loving the Cosmos BOM Month 2 member makes result! I’m so proud of them!
The Cosmos BOM quilt’s center is a creative hotspot – members are posting their own versions and displaying their technical know-how, and of course, sharing their tips with members. Love you guys!
This past month I’ve been hearing lots of cheering for the freezer paper piecing method. In fact, YOU might cheer soon because I’ve updated my step-by-step photo tutorial on the blog and offering a free downloadable guide – click here to get yours. You can do this!

I’m also giving you a magic tip every week on the blog to turn you into a pro freezer paper piecer. Links at the bottom of this post for Tips 1 and 2.
Our sewjo is soaring because it’s easier on the fingers (no ripping) and takes less time. Double doable dealbreaker!
MONTH 2 WINS: SparklerS and Stargazer
Man, I’m so happy when I hear about these wins.
You know that feeling (joy!) when you FINISH A QUILT?! Complete a set of blocks?! Make your first triangle block?! Look no further than our gallery for joy, joy, joy!
Cathy H. and Sharon J. finished their Sparkler BOM quilts and Kimberly D. wowed us with her Stargazer BOM version! Congratulations!

PROGRESS! Cosmos Month 2 Member makes
Yup, we’re feeling the maker’s high – progress, pride and confidence! And especially our members who are freezer paper piecing for the first time!
Members learn freezer paper piecing (FPP) inside the Make Modern Triangles club. FPP helps them assemble Cosmos triangles. Members are hooked! (attached? adhered? All of the above?!)

Add Canva graphics here

Stay tuned for Cosmos BOM Month 3 Member Makes!