Hiya guys! I’m happy to show you my first finish for 2019. I made a wee, little, hopefully pin cushion to start my year off right and as part of Kim Lapecek’s Project Quilting.

Project Quilting Details
If you’re not familiar with Kim’s challenge, here’s a description in a nut shell. You have one week to make something that:
- Is about hope.
- Are created during the week of the challenge (Jan 6-13).
- Include patchwork and quilted (3 layers).
- Is complete.
- and linked up by 12 noon (Ack! I totally missed this detail! Sorry!).

This week (January 6-13) the challenge was “Hope Springs Eternal”. (Click here to go see the challenge and the rest of the entries.) Recently I bought this amazing strawberry fabric that is just too cute (by Kim Kight for Cotton and Steel). And I thought, what’s more hopeful than a strawberry?! So I decided to make something featuring strawberries and in red.

I made this little, wee, too cute pin cushion. If you follow me on Instagram you probably saw me working on this a bit. Part of my mantra for 2019 is to keep things simple and small. So for my project, I settled for a small pin cushion.

But on man, was it hard to stay focused on not making more of this patchwork blocks once I made one. Wouldn’t more of those blocks be such a cute patchwork quilt? Yes! But… I’m trying to keep it simple. And I’m glad I did. Now I have my first finish for 2019. Yah!

Why you should participate in a challenge?
Challenges are a great way to, well, challenge yourself creatively. Forced constraints can be a wonderful way to push yourself. Project Quilting challenges you to use a creative theme and the week time limit. If you’re interested in participating in Project Quilting visit Kim’s website for weekly challenges.
Click here to go see the rest of the entries for Hope Springs Eternal!

If you’re looking for a color challenge you may be interested in a challenge I host with Sarah of No Hats in the House. Details for the Pantone 2019 Challenge will be announced soon but in the meantime you can check out last year’s challenge. Subscribe to my newsletter to stay in the know about the Pantone Challenges.
What do you fill your pincushion with? I still have the original tomato one that I was given when I started sewing and I’m ready to make something new. I like how simple and sweet this is, and I happen to have a stash of tiny squares too!
This one I just filled with stuffing. But I’ve used crushed walnut shells before.
This is so pretty! Almost too pretty to stick pins in.
Thank you! I really feel like now I have to up my pin game. These shabby pins are not worthy!