Busy members make triangle blocks, quilts and coloring pages in the Make Modern Triangles Club. They are also busy posting their progress and finishes. WE LOVE SEEING THEIR TA-DA’s!

BUSY Members Make Triangle Block Finishes!
Oh man, I love this so much. Look at what Laura M. did! Her Cosmos interpretation using prints is proof that you don’t have to work in solid fabrics to make a modern finish. Plus, beautiful custom quilting by a friend for a beautiful quilt. Congratulations, Laura!

Congratulations, Kristi B. on your BIG TA DA moment! Look at this gorgeous Wildflower BOM! Kristi’s saturated color palette is highlighted by the neutral background. The stitching is makes it yummy. The lucky wedding couple have received an amazing heirloom quilt.

Ta-da! Sherry B. finished her Cosmos top. Another awesome example of using prints and contrast for modern triangle blocks. Love ya, Solids, but Pretty Prints has got my attention! Congratulations, Sherry B.!
There’s so much inside the Make Modern Triangles Club – the new Aurora 2024 Block of the Month, triangle blocks, freezer paper piecing tutorials, a color theory program and a library of modern triangle quilt patterns, special workshops and holiday projects. (I feel like Bubba and Forrest making shrimp recipe lists…shrimp quilts, shrimp triangle blocks, shrimp color theory…)
Where to start?!
Ailsa H. was also busy this month. She chose to work on Bright quilt sampler.

Ailsa said it best! We are proud of you, too! Members cheered on her wonky finish.

New members often ask “Where should I start?” because there are so many options. When they start poking around inside the club resources, they feel a leeeetle overwhelmed with all the goodies. A good overwhelm, right?!
So our terrific members often recommend these to new members – with lots of encouragement.
Yup. Start with a coloring page and you’ll know what a modern triangle quilt pattern is all about – before you sew a single seam. Your brain wraps around it and starts connecting quilty neurons.
Sally M. got busy making her’s colorful right away.

So did Deann W., who has a few modern triangle quilts under her belt. I’m doing what she’s doing because she’s done it before. Follow the leaders!

Ailsa H. went to work on the Bright sampler quilt.
Colors selected: Check. Coloring page completed: Check, check!

Learn how coloring pages help quilters in four ways here. Kind of amazing how crayons, paper and playing around still make magic.
BUSY Members MaKe TRiangle Blocks and PROGRESS!
Becky M. went to work on her triangles while Jennifer H. went to work on the Wildflower BOM quilt. Members start wherever they want, which is pretty, pretty smart because they can ask experienced members for advice. We are so much better together.

Thank you for stopping by and I can’t wait to see your Aurora coloring pages brighten the Triangle Chatter community!
Rebecca, xoxo
P.S. Did you catch Aurora on my Instagram? Lookeeeee here for all the bits and pieces that make a modern triangle quilt come to life.

Introducing the Aurora Block of the Month, an all NEW design for 2024! A beautiful symmetry of color and shape creates this stunning and enrapturing “modern triangle” quilt.