Hi there! Today I have a new selvage quilt block tutorial for you.
Using selvages in a quilt is a great way to feature a completely unique, colorful fabric. In my last few videos, I showed you how I cut and store my selvages and how I make Selvage Fabric.
In my new YouTube tutorial up and posted, you’ll learn how to use Selvage Fabric and how to make this Selvage Criss Cross quilt block, also known as a lattice quilt block.
This Criss Cross block design is an ideal way to show off selvage fabric, and there are a ton of ways you can arrange these fun little blocks – X’s, O’s, and arrows just to name a few.
So far, I’ve put together 4 of these Criss Cross Selvage quilt blocks but I think I’ll keep going. This would make such a great quilt! So my plan is to keep sewing these quilt blocks until I have 64 in total. I will need to make more selvage fabric though! And I actually may need to purchase more fabric to collect some additional selvages, ha!
Featured Products
I cannot recommend enough having a spinning cutting mat. I don’t have a lot of notions, but this one is worth it! Also, here’s a link for Washi tape. I love using Washi tape on my rulers and templates.
Related Tutorials
Explore my entire series of selvage quilt tutorials:
You do realise it’s called Salvedge, not Selvage?
Just wondering, Nice quilts though,
Hey Jackie! Yes, there are a few ways to spell selvage. I’ve only seen selvage spelled these two ways: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selvage
For consistency on my website I choose the US spelling and went with that. Though I was tempted to adopt the British spelling. 🙂
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