Hi everyone!
I’m thrilled to be teaching 3 workshops at QuiltCon next February in Pasadena, California. I’ll also be doing a lecture, eep! (More on the lecture later.)
Here’s a run down of what I’ll be teaching from the Course Catalog.
on your own version of
the Huckleberry quilt from
“Modern Rainbow: 14
Imaginative Quilts that
Play with Color.” Instructor
Rebecca Bryan will also
share tips on advanced
piecing as the class works
through piecing the blocks
and assembling a quarter
of a quilt top.
Material Fees: $25, or bring copy of “ModernRainbow: 14 Imaginative Quilts that Play with Color”
by Rebecca Bryan
731 Thursday, Feb. 18, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
511: Rainbow Remix
Come spend the day
creating your own version
of “Rainbow Remix.”
We’ll explore the tension
between classical and
improv quilt making thereby
learning to manipulate
techniques to create a quilt
with stunning effect. As the class progresses, the focus
will shift towards color play and quilt top composition.
Material Fees: $25, or bring copy of “ModernRainbow: 14 Imaginative Quilts that Play with Color”
by Rebecca Bryan
511 Saturday, Feb. 20, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
will learn the technique
to design and make
your own version of the
Wavelength quilt from
“Modern Rainbow.” This
improvisationally crafted
quilt invites you to play with
the interchange of color as
shapes gradually emerge.
We’ll talk about making
angled cuts, fabric choice,
color selection, block
fundamentals, and how
choices will create different
effects in the quilt top.
Material Fees: $25, or bring copy of “ModernRainbow” by Rebecca Bryan
513 Saturday, Feb. 20, 6-9 p.m.
Registration opens June 25th, will I see you there?
Yay!! So exciting!