Obsession Confession Uncategorized 8 Dec The only good laudry involves recently purchased fabric. Eeeee, the anticipation of it being clean and dried so you can iron it and do something with it. I can hardly stand the wait!
missmama says December 11, 2009 at 11:58 pm Oooohhhhhh.. I can relate! The only laundry I do in a timely fashion is new fabric laundry. I love ironing it and folding it and just looking at it for a minute before I cut into it. That way I can pretend to be organized for 5 whole minutes!
Oooohhhhhh.. I can relate! The only laundry I do in a timely fashion is new fabric laundry. I love ironing it and folding it and just looking at it for a minute before I cut into it. That way I can pretend to be organized for 5 whole minutes!