Linking up today with Freshly Pieced … I have all of these different solid fat quarters that are calling my name. “Play with me! Touch me! I’m so preetttty,” they say. Initially I set out to make my oldest daughter a purple and peachy orange pencil pouch because she is starting kindergarten (le sob!). But then I got distracted and…
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Playing with Color: Purple and Peaches
A Quilt for my Mom
Wow, it feels so great to actually finish a quilt. Not just a top, but a whole quilt. It has been a while since I’d last finished a quilt. Maybe since Christmas? At least a quilt that could actually keep you warm. There’s been little ones and quilt tops and blocks in the interim. I was trying to think of…
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Farmer's Wife Weeks #10 & #11
Shiver me timbers! I had a tough time this week. My points didn’t come out perfect and that bothers me. I’m going to try the paper piecing route with the blocks that have small triangles from now on. I hear that helps! Argh! Farmer’s Wife Weeks #10 & #11, a photo by bryanhousequilts on Flickr. (Blocks (are supposed to) measure…
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Christmas in August
Christmas in August, a photo by bryanhousequilts on Flickr. This is a quilt for my mom. I had intended to give it to her last Christmas, but things came up and I was overly ambitious (am I the only one?) Since it wasn’t getting done last Christmas, I put off quilting it to work on other things. I was dreading…
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Katie’s Choice Quilt Top
And here is the finished quilt top I alluded to in my last post: And here is my finished quilt top. I hope to spruce up our bedroom starting with this quilt. So new lamps and curtains and naturally new/more pillows. 🙂 All of the fabric except for the border are Amy Butler charm squares. Each Katie’s Choice block has…
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