Weird right? I’m craving lemon curd. That’s a new one. And, perhaps related, I am loving the color yellow right now. Maybe I need virtual sunshine? Maybe some daffodils? A while back I decided I had enough fabric for the near future and resolved not to buy any more. But, maybe I felt sorry for myself. You know, not really…
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Craving: sunshine and lemon curd
They like me, they really like me!
It’s nice to be recognized. And three lovely, bloggy ladies have recognized me with a Liebster Award, Tink’s Mom, Ylva, and Diane. Awards are great, but the praise these ladies have given me just tickles me and makes me blush! They have such nice things to say. Thanks ya’ll! 🙂 🙂 🙂 (I’m embarrassed to confess that Tink’s Mom gave me…
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Wednesday WIP: Baby’s quilt
Now, that I’ve been put on bed rest, I can get some serious work done on baby girl’s quilt. 🙂 I can also read several books. I just finished the Hunger Games series. What should I read next? And? my ankles are back to normal size! Ooooh, I wonder if my wedding rings fit? And most importantly, baby girl is…
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In which life is exciting, and not exciting at all
Life has thrown me a few curve balls recently, which have thrown my blogging life off course. Well, specifically one curve: I have been put on bed rest! Apparently contracting regularly every 5-8 minutes and dilating too early is frowned upon by the medical establishment. (Sometimes I deal with stress through jokes and sarcasm. It can be inappropriate. Sorry about that.) …
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WIP Wednesday: March 7, 2012
Updating you on three projects this week: First a new project. I started this thinking I could get it done in time to submit it to the Modern Mini challenge, but I was way way wrong. If only I didn’t need to sleep! These blocks of machine pieced leaves and vines will be a pillow for my couch. I’ve got…
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