A while back I hurled my EVO Sprint phone to the ground in a fit of unquenchable rage.
Ok, that’s not true. I clumbsily dropped it to the sidewalk while taking my children on a walk. Never push the stroller and try to check your phone at the same time.
In any case, the phone screen shattered. It was usable but needed to be replaced. I delayed the errand long enough and the hubs took it upon himself to get me an iPhone complete with purple cover. (Always buy a phone cover, especially if you are as smoothe as me.)
So now I can take instagram pictures. Yah! Instagram makes everything better. Instagram is good for my complexion! Instagram makes our suburban dyed Easter eggs look quaint! Instagram makes my meager hand quilting stitches look better! And so on….
So here’s a pic of my hand quilting. I wouldn’t be winning any nods of approval from my grannies. I’m only getting 2-3 stitches per inch. But at least the stitches are even?
Actually I am not striving for perfection, so I don’t really mind. But I do worry about the durability of the paper pieced top. I was hoping to get smaller quilting stitches to improve the shelf life of the quilt. With this quilt it is a bit harder to get the small stitches I thought I could. I think because of the additional layer of fabric from the EPP (English paper piecing) method I used.
Ideally to further improve the durability of the quilt, I think it’d be better to quilt around each diamond part of the star. To this point I’ve mostly just quilted an outline around the star and hexagon shapes. I’m just being lazy and want to finish it before baby girl makes her debut. I could always go back later after it’s finished to add in some quilting. (The realistic part of me is wiping away tears of mirth knowing the small likelihood of that actually happening.)
But really c’est la vie, non?
After each quilting session I like turning the quilt over and petting the pretty crinkles. (My preciouses…) I think I’ve got a fourth or a third of the quilting done. I dont know if I will be able to finish before the baby comes. Why does time pass so quickly?
aksherry says
Your hand quilting looks great!!!
smazoochie says
You are keeping your sense of humor! You are making lemon curd from you lemons!
Love the quilt & quilting, love the instagrams.
Take care!
Catherine says
Love your quilting! I think it looks great.