The quilting universe refreshes itself every January with new quilt BOM programs. Whether you’re customizing a design with your own colors and fabrics, giving yourself some “me sew time” with a special project, or just intrigued by a fresh, modern design to try, quilters gather with like-minded makers to share and learn. But the shiny lights of a “big new project” often distract quilters from getting started and making progress. Oh, no!
Some quilters worry if they have enough time, others wonder if they – newbie quilters – can scale the learning curve. And then there’s life with its own set of curve balls! I know this for sure: Taking time to plan for progress sets you up for success. When you know where you’re going, every small step is meaningful and productive! Every single step.
LEARN And make REAL PROGRESS with a BOM quilt
Making progress is what a quilt BOM program is all about, especially inside Make Modern Triangles. We may be here for different reasons and move at different paces, yet progress is what gives us sparks of joy!
Since it’s a fresh new BOM season at Bryan House Quilts, we kicked off our December/January planning month for the Sparkler BOM. Our step-by-step process for creating a modern triangle quilt starts with planning guides, hands-on color theory instruction, boosting color tool and quilting skills and applying color strategies. A custom modern triangle quilt is soooo doable a step at a time!
One of the most important things I’ve learned alongside our members is that choosing color can frustrate and stop us from making progress. Choosing custom color palettes makes quite a few quilters anxious. Will it turn out the way I want? What if the colors are wrong?! So we give ourselves an entire month to focus on creating a color palette that feels just right. Like Goldilocks, when it feels right, you just know it. And you wanna sew it!
Our members are posting their progress on their color palettes inside the group – lots of steering and cheering for each other! I love when members just put it all out there – post photos of their “this palette or that one” questions – then watch the support and experience pipeline flow! We are really better together! They have access to color theory essentials, color planning tools, and quick-start guides to get ’em rolling!
My Sparkler BOM modern triangle quilt was so much fun to design, and seeing our members develop their own color palettes is powerful progress and super fun!
Now it’s your turn to get excited!
See our members’ color palettes for the brand new Sparkler below and check your blood pressure! Whoosh!

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