Hey ya’ll! The Stargazer Block of the Month, is off and running. Month 1 of the Stargazer BOM is posted and the Stargazers are kinda killin’ it!

This month:
To give you an idea of what’s happening in the Stargazer BOM, this month us Stargazers are making Block 20 from Modern Triangle Quilts, but with some special Stargazer modifications. To make these babies we’re covering Freezer Paper Piecing 101 to make these blocks.
If you don’t know, you must know! Freezer Paper Piecing is the best way to foundation piece! In my humble opinion. Here’s a tutorial is you’re unfamiliar with the technique. It literally changed my quilt making life!
From the Stargazer Community:
Lisa contacted me prior to the start of the BOM asking how she could enlarge the quilt so that it could cover a king size bed. I gave her a few ideas, but none as stellar as her final mockup! Wowsers, that border is perfection!

Taylor’s steely black and white image is a stunner!
Jenny’s color palette is such. a. show. stop. per. Gorgeous! I love how there are so many different patterns to find.
And Kathy made a clutch solid switch up by using the luxuriously textured Manchesters by Robert Kaufman. Sweet!
A lovely job all around! It’s so fun to watch these pics pop up in our group, Facebook, and Instagram. I especially love how there are so many different varieties popping up. So fun!
Registration is still open, but!
Hey you! It’s not too late to join, you actually can join whenever, but today is the last day to take advantage of the “Pay by Month” option. This is a great option if you’re unsure of whether you’ll like the program or if you are on a budget. But the option goes away today!
Join the Stargazers here.
Kits are still available:

You don’t *need* a kit but sometimes a kit can be a nice treat. You can still purchase an optional kit at:
- Fat Quarter Shop (main color way)
- Pink Door Fabrics (The made their own custom kit with Tula Pink solids!)
- Stash Fabrics (all color ways)
Until next month, keep reaching for the stars (as Casey Kasem would say)!