Why hello there! I’m back from a quick trip to Fall Quilt Market. Overall this quilt market seemed really busy, though it could have been me trying to run around to see ALL the things. 🙂
Here’s a slideshow of a few of my favorites.
- Violet Craft
- Samarra Khaja for Lecien
- Cotton & Steel
- Carolyn Friedlander for Robert Kaufman
- Angela Pingel for Windham
- Patty Sloniger for Michael Miller
- Kim Kight for Cotton & Steel
- Heather Jones for Robert Kaufman
- Rashida Coleman for Cotton & Steel
- Sarah Watts for Cotton & Steel
- Alexia Marcelle Abegg for Cotton & Steel
- Angela Pingel for Windham
- Melody Miller for Cotton & Steel
- Elizabeth Hartman for Robert Kaufman
- trying to be serious but failing
- Libs Elliott for Andover
- Alison Glass for Andover
- Heather Jones for Robert Kaufman
- Alison Glass
Also I snapped a few pics of quilts on exhibit.
- made by Shannon of Nerd Camp
- made by Corinne Sovey
- Contribution to the RK Special Exhibit: gRadiant Star
- Special Exhibit: 60 Quilters using Robert Kaufman Highlight, Kona Color of the Year
- Special Exhibit: 60 Quilters using Robert Kaufman Highlight, Kona Color of the Year
- Special Exhibit: 60 Quilters using Robert Kaufman Highlight, Kona Color of the Year
- made by Sarah Schraw
- Special Exhibit: 60 Quilters using Robert Kaufman Highlight, Kona Color of the Year
I only had a day to peruse the market and the quilt show, so I wasn’t able to capture all the pretty things. (sob!)
What are some things I missed that you’ve seen and loved?