Hi there!
I will be in Chattanooga teaching at AQS‘s Quilt Week in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Woohoo! It’s going to be so much fun! And, I’m looking forward to seeing Chattanooga, I hear it’s a great town.
There’s still spots left in my lecture and workshops. If you are going and are interested here’s what I will be teaching:
#72805, Using the Full Spectrum of Color in Quilts
This lecture will cover color theory from the perspective of making rainbow quilts. Rebecca will show quilts from her book Modern Rainbow to reveal her favorite tools and techniques for coloring her quilts.
#77510, Flame – Pieced Diamonds
Inspired by the flame of a candle, pieced diamonds are the main focus of this quilt. Gain color confidence while you play with variances in value, which lend an element of unpredictability to the predictable rainbow while also adding depth and dimension. Low value diamond blocks paint the background, adding further visual interest. You can also choose to make this quilt in a “non-scrappy” version by using the same three fabrics – or colors – in each diamond.
#75503, Wavelength
Design your own version of the Wavelength quilt from Rebecca’s book Modern Rainbow: 14 Imaginative Quilts that Play with Color. This improvisationally crafted quilt invites students to play with the interchange of color as shapes gradually emerge. Rebecca will talk about making angled cuts, fabric choice, color selection, block fundamentals, and how different choices will create different effects in the quilt top.
Here’s a direct link to my profile and my classes.
I hope to see some of you there!
That’s not far from me at all. I was hoping to make it for the show, but it is looking doubtful. Chattanooga is a great place, I’m sure you will enjoy it.