In the months before QuiltCon this past February, I thought it would be so cool if I made my quilt Huckleberry from my book, Modern Rainbow, into a skirt.
I set out with the intention of wearing the skirt to QuiltCon, but I didn’t order enough background fabric. (The background fabric is Andover’s Chambray in Gray.) So the blocks sat on my table until I was ready to do my Spring Quilt Market sewing.
This time I ordered enough fabric and I even remembered to prewash the second batch of chambray. It’d be so like me to forget to prewash only half of the fabric.
Fun fact: the points in the blocks aren’t meant to match exactly. I designed it that way purposefully thinking it’d be too complex and stressful for the points to match. So the points float instead.
I put off cutting the hem until I was certain I would be able to construct it without destroying the quilt top. It was very stressful. 🙂
Details: Using Modern Rainbow pages 64-69 as a reference, I made the Huckleberry quilt top as called for but I didn’t sew the quilt top halves together. Using the 2 quilt top halves as fabric, I then used Anna Maria Horner’s Full Circle Skirt pattern to make the skirt (that is SUCH a great pattern!). I used 5 yards of chambray for the background and cut my background squares at 29” each.
And it worked! Did I mention it was very stressful?
Here’s me in my hotel room hashtag mirror selfie. 🙂
And Annie of The Village Haberdashery in the UK snapped this pic of me at Quilt Market. Thanks Annie!
what a cute skirt. looks great!
I love this skirt so much – adorable even if it wasn't a quilt top pattern, and you look fab in it.
I love it! How cute!
Very cute!
so pretty! Now I need to go make one 🙂
Oh my goodness, this is magnificent. So the only question I have is lining: did you line the skirt or finish the seams in any ways? Seems you might need to to reinforce the stitching cause this is TOO cute to only wear once, really, it's so wonderful!
Bravo,bravo,it`s just awesome!
I hope it never wears out because it is one of a kind. It is so beautiful on you.