Today, I’d love to show you another quilt from my book, Modern Rainbow. Again it’s one of my favorites – it’s my book I have a lot of favorites. 🙂 This is “Ducks in a Row” and the title plays on the Flying Geese block’s name. Though the inspiration from this quilt was from a western themed textile.
Here it is displayed at QuiltCon in Austin a few weeks ago.
I had a lot of fun designing this quilt. The quilt involves many templates… which can be a bit tedious. But once the templates are made the cutting isn’t so bad. And in my opinion, the templates are so versatile… there are many more quilts one could imagine using these same templates. 😉
As far as colors go… I wanted to play with contrast within the background so I used many different neutral black and white fabrics. I did this to soften the contrast between the bright colors are the background. And also, you may notice that this one doesn’t show the full spectrum; I chose to limit the rainbow palette.
And as you can probably tell the lovely Angela Walters quilted this one for me. 🙂
This quilt was a bunch of fun to make. In fact I’m working on making another version using Maureen Cracknell’s Wild and Free fabric… Not much to show yet, but stay tuned!
Thanks for visiting!
I love this quilt! Just got your book yesterday and am super impressed with all of your patterns. I do love rainbows! I hope you'll join the GRAVITY Quilt Along I'm hosting!
Such a beautiful quilt! I love the rainbow set on the LV background.