To my shock, I have a quilt to enter into the Spring Blogger’s Quilt Festival. Sometimes procrastination pays off! For this round I am entering Mr. Jones.
Mr. Jones is affectionately named for its colorful personality a la the Counting Crows song, Mr. Jones (who wants something a little more funky). The Chicopee fabric line by Denyse Schmidt is one of my all time favorite fabric collections. The background hourglass blocks in funky colors were so out of my comfort zone at the time. I laugh now because the hourglass packs were made from a fat quarter bundle specifically chosen for Chicopee. (Way to go out of your comfort zone there Becca, ha!)
One of my favorite things about this quilt is the back, which is corduroy!
When I wake my big girls up for school in the morning it’s so easy because they run downstairs to fight (loudly sometimes!) about who gets to snuggle on the couch with the quilt. They sit on the couch while I warm their clothes in the dryer. (Gosh they are so spoiled!)
For the quilting, I wanted to echo the funky colors by using a few different colored threads tempered by plain ole’ gray.
And finally, the quilt is bound with a scrappy binding. I tried a gray binding, but scrappy binding was necessary. This quilt is demanding of funk.
So that’s that. My favorite quilt. (Well that you’ve seen. *wink*)
I’d love your vote if you’d love to give it!
Off to see the rest of the festival!!
Fab. A wonderful riot of colour
congratulations on your beautiful quilt work
Love it!
Great quilt to enter! It looks awesome. 🙂
Great choice! This is such a gorgeous quilt and I love looking at it. The Chicopee color scheme looks so good in this pattern!
Great work! It's gorgeous – plus, you've backed it in corduroy which is awesomeness in and of itself. 🙂
This is a fabulous funky quilt Becca – it's certainly deserving of its name. How was the corduroy to work with? I'd love to try that as a backing some time…
Just beautiful!
Gorgeous quilt! I love the chicopee line, and you used it beautifully!
Dropping by from BQF, great quilt design and you can't beat a bit of Schmidt fabric and the grey really sets everything off perfectly 😀
Love it, and really love the binding!