Things have been fairly busy around here. I’ve been tasked with a few book chores, I’m working on a few tutorials for you, and I’ve been playing the role of “soccer mom” in taking my big girls to their softball games and practices, which is so fun but exhausting.
To counter my hurried mom pace of life, I’ve been moseying (fun fact: mosey is one of my favorite words, see also: scamper) about doing fun things. There’s little stress when I can saunter around playing with various pretty things. Like new stacks of my all time favorite fabric lines (Field Study and Chicopee).
Prepping my newly acquired Featherweight for sewing. She’s almost ready!
Playing with some Gouache paints I received for my birthday (6 months ago, it’s not my birthday!). This is probably my most favorite new thing to do and can’t wait to get back to it. Hopefully it won’t take another 6 months!
And finishing up my Wiksten Tank Top, just in time for warmer weather.
I hope you all are well! How busy are you?
I can't get over how talented you are. That tank is terrific. I plan on diving into that Lewis book today, friend. Thanks for letting me borrow! ENJOY your week!
Also fun: lollygag & skedaddle.