Thanks to my friend Sally, I had the enormous privilege and pleasure to go to Fall Quilt Market here in Houston. Sally, Julie and Brooke and I had a great time walking the floor. It was so great to walk to floor and get to know Brooke and Julie better, and sure you too Sally. Such great gals!
During my time at quilt market I posted gobs of pictures on my Instagram feed to the delight of my sewing friends while possibly annoying my non sewing friends. In case you missed my pictures, here they are:
1. Y’all. @annamariahorner, 2. upload, 3. Love these colors! Beautiful quilt! #marciaderse, 4. Love this @izapearldesign booth!, 5. Love! @daisy_janie, 6. Great schoolhouse @dontcallmebetsy Love these quilts!, 7. Look! Selvedge fun! @daisy_janie, 8. This book looks so good!, 9. #tamarakate #sillymamaquilts
1. Bags! #tamarakate #quiltmarket, 2. @sarahjanestudios Wee Wonder! So cute!, 3. #annkelle, 4. Glam clam! @thequiltengineer, 5. @betteroffthread, 6. upload, 7. #quiltmarket, 8. This green is perfect., 9. @jenib320 #dreaminvintage
1. #cottonandsteel Love these colors!, 2. @plumandjune @birchfabrics #quiltmarket, 3. @birchfabrics #quiltmarket, 4. @fabricmutt this is yours yes?, 5. Moar! @birchfabrics #quiltmarket, 6. @jamie_naughton beautiful!, 7. @lizzyhouse so chic!, 8. @plumandjune here ya go! It’s so soft and pretty!, 9. @sandyklop fabric!
1. Yes! #quiltmarket, 2. @heatherbailey #quiltmarket, 3. @patbravo @artgalleryfabrics, 4. Love this quilt @ellisonlane!, 5. New #lottajansdotter, 6. Darling quilt! @thimbleblossoms, 7. @alexiastitches awesome award winning booth!, 8. #marcellemedallion in the flesh! @alexiastitches, 9. Ima make this dress. @annamariahorner
1. So much to love! @annamariahorner, 2. Lovely @jenkingwell! #quiltmarket, 3. More @jenkingwell. Such an honor to talk with her and see her quilts a bit. #quiltmarket, 4. Echino!, 5. One more @jenkingwell, 6. Um, hwhat? #lottajansdotter rugs? Yes please! #quiltmarket, 7. New @tulapink fabric and patterns at #quiltmarket, 8. Love the colors once again. @tulapink #quiltmarket #latergram, 9. Adorable book and projects!
Once, again there are some great fabrics and patterns set to come out in the next six months. As always, meeting the people behind the fabric just makes me love the designs even more.
Becca, What a wonderful Market experience!!! So, so thankful to have spent so much time together!!! Must do it again soon!
Love, love, love all your photos. I felt like I was there. Okay, so nothing could be quite that amazing, but this was close! 😉