Hi there. Here today to show off some fun free motion quilting (FMQ FFMQ) I’ve been working on this week. You haven’t seen this quilt yet. I actually finished this quilt many months ago right after QuiltCon, but lost steam when it came to quilting.
The quilt is a medallion quilt made from selvedges. What I knew is the quilt needed feathers in each background triangle. But as for the rest of the background, I was stumped. So, I set it aside. But it taunted me from the corner of my sewing room.
Well for whatever reason, something clicked this past week and I have been having so much fun quilting this baby.
There are bubbles (pebbles?). Yes, pebbles, I like pebbles better.
Feathers are my favorites.
Feathers feathers feathers. Squigglies and loops.
More of the same, but I can’t help but share.
That’s what I’m working on this week. (Linking up to Lee’s WIP Wednesday.) I hope you are working on something fun?
I love that FFMQ! I want to start using that phrase too.
That looks so good! You have definitely made me want to practice some more!
It is looking fantastic!
love the selvedges, love the quilting!! Beautiful work!!
Nice FMQing!! I just finished my second bed size quilt at home. SO fun! You really are doing nice work.
Love the quilting!
Wow! The quilting is so great!
This is looking fab!
Love the selvedges! Can't wait to see it done 🙂
It looks so great!
Incredible, Becca! I absolutely love this!!
Your FFMQ is looking fabulous, love the selvages too!!