I’m at the beach this week with my children and my mom. We each packed hand stitching projects to work on after we clear away all the sand from little bodies and collapse exhausted at the end of sunny days. I have a few finishes to share when I get back (no time to take pictures when packing!). But in the meantime, how about a giveaway for you sweeties?
While at Quiltcon I handpicked some extra favorites just for my readers. Included are a charm pack of Lizzie House’s Pearl Bracelets, a fun quilt pattern called Circuitry by Elizabeth Dackson of Don’t Call Me Betsy, and a notebook from our good friends at Craftsy.
Please leave a comment if you’d like a chance to win. You could tell me what you like most about Spring Break, butcha don’t hafta. I really appreciate my followers, so if you’d like a second chance to win please leave a second comment saying you are a follower or a newly joined follower. Entries will be open until Friday, March 15th, at 8:00 pm central standard timeg. I’m happy to ship internationally.
I’ll be back on Monday, March 18th to announce the winner. Thank you so much!
Oh, I love taking hand stitching projects away on vacation. It feels a bit too slow to fit into everyday life sometimes, but it's perfect for vacations! Hope you are having a fun week away 🙂
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The beach! Although this year it's looking less and less likely that we will make it.
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I usually just stay home for Spring break. I do love sewing and will be sewing up a storm!
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I like how quiet the streets are from traffic during the spring breaks/reading weeks. Gee I sound old!!!!
Yay I am a follower – a recent one but loving your blog 🙂 Now I sound old and crazy!!
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I'm in the UK and we don't really have spring break, if it's the same as Easter Holidays, my favourite part is the day the kids go back to school afterwards! (I love them really, but kids and chocolate for two weeks is not a good mix!)
I usually fly to Connecticut to see the grands for their spring break. Enjoy your break, and thanks fir the chance
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I have to work this spring break. Enjoy the beach for me!
I'm a follower. <3 you big time!
Spring break? What is this "Spring Break?" 😉
I'm a follower; thanks for the chance!
Most of all, I love having my husband home with us! What a great pack, Becca!
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During spring break I definitely love not hearing my son's alarm go off and then again and again and again cause he's snoozing 🙂
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Well, our oldest is only in kindergarten so it's our first year of real Spring Break. We don't have a trip planned, but I am looking forward to not having to get dressed before 8AM if I don't have to! Thanks!
I love that my husband and I both get the week off of work! We are both teachers!
It sucks but out of the 3 in my department and being the only in Grad School- I am the only one that has to work! Yuckka do!
But, I am slowly working my way around some hexies in the evenings!
Oh! And, I am a follower!
Have a great spring break! We're leaving to visit family in Maine for ours 🙂
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I love having free time! Spring break is great and so is this giveaway 🙂
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have a fantastic spring break! sadly attorneys don't get one!
also, i'm a follower!
Kids are all grown, so I like spring break because Houston traffic is not as bad…
Thanks for the give away!!!
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I love spring break because then i can laze around haha
What's not to like about spring break?
I live in Australia & we don't have spring break, I think our equivalent is our Summer holiday in January, it's such a lovely time of year, everyone is relaxed & happy & a really nice start to the year. Thanks for the chance to win these gorgeous prizes!
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I wish I still had a spring break! I still live very close to the university I went to. What I love about spring break is that traffic is very light this week since all the students left 🙂 It cuts like 10 mins off my commute!
I follow your blog!
Have a great break! I wish I was on the beach somewhere!
I'm a happy follower!
Spring Break? What is that? I live about 90 miles from Panama City Beach, so spring break means a ton of traffic in our little corner of Alabama. But I love the flowers, the birds singing, watching my two dachshunds chase squirrells and chipmunks!
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Ohh to live in a country that had spring break! ;). Hope you are having a fabulous time, thanks for the giveaway 🙂
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I love Spring Break because it means easy days at work. I really dig that! Have fun in the sun. 🙂
Thanks for the giveaway, I love the spring holidays because we sometimes get a mini heatwave! Although with snow still on the ground it may be unlikely this year!
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Thanks for e giveaway
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Lovely giveaway!!!
Thanks for the chance to win.
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This week, my hubby has stayed home with the kids and done "honeydo" chores, so that would be my favorite thing about spring break!
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