When I first heard Google Reader was going away I was angry. Google reader and I have been best buds for years and now google is taking her away. Plus I thought it was stoopid. I mean how many of us use Google Reader? Um, hello? Why would you take that away! It seems bad for business.
So I stand by my upid-stay claim.
Buuuuuuuttttt… I’m really liking Bloglovin’! My favorite are the pictures embedded in the feeds. I like pictures. So long google!
Anyways, if you would like to follow me on bloglovin’ click here or on the button below or on my sidebar.
Super thanks!
Preach it, sister. Irritating to no end that they would get rid of something so indispensable to at least half the known world, but so far Blog Lovin' is okay. I'm just glad they let me import all my blogs directly from Google so I didn't have to hunt everyone down. And yes, you're in there too!