I’ve been back from QuiltCon since Saturday, and I haven’t done anything productive other than to sketch out a few inspirations! So I guess you could say the experience took it out of me. Which is funny because I didn’t come home feeling that way. Maybe I’m just tired?
QuiltCon was a fantastic experience but where do I start to describe the fun? In a few words QuiltCon is inspirational, humbling, frenetic, overwhelming, and purposeful.
One of the best parts of experiencing QuiltCon was meeting “my people”. It was great to see so many people I’ve come to know through blogging, to meet people I admire from afar online, and to meet new people!
Before I left for QuiltCon, I was able to make a name tag for myself so I’ll show it to you now. (Thanks to Charlotte for reminding me by posting her name tag earlier and
for inspiring me to add a pocket for cards. It was so handy!)
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One huge highlight came when I met Denyse Schmidt, who was casually signing her new book. I showed her a picture of my Mr. Jones quilt and she said “It’s beautiful.” (!!!) So, you know, that was pretty cool. Denyse’s quilts were on display in the show and they were beautiful – simple, traditional, and modern.
There were tons and tons of beautiful, stunning quilts in the show. For now, here are a few of my favorite quilts from the show:
Double Edged Love, by Victoria Findlay Wolfe, quilted by Lisa Sipes. This stunner won Best in Show.
All in all I find myself walking away from QuiltCon having had an AWESOME time with close friends, having made new friends, having narrowed in more on “my style”, and having found new directions to explore.
it was so great to see you again!
So glad you had a brilliant time!
I enjoyed meeting you!! I can't wait to get to know you more, I have noted your blog are you on flickr, pinterest or anything? I'd love to add you there too. Alyssa Lichner (pileOfabric)
I LOVE that close-up/blurred photo you took of Double Edged Love! It's my favorite photo of it that I have ever seen. Thank you! And I'm glad you had a good time at the show. 🙂