By basting a (large) twin size quilt on the floor.
I know. You don’t want to. But let’s face it, your not getting any less pregnant soon. So let’s get it out of the way.
Step 1: Put toddler down for nap. Move furniture and rug to find a place large enough to make your quilt sandwich. Sweep the floor. Scoop up dirt into dust pan. Eat lunch.
Step 2: Lay backing on floor right side down. On your hands and knees, smooth out wrinkles. Using painter’s tape, secure to floor. That was easy. No break. Ok fine, check your email.
Break out the Snickers bar you’ve been saving. It’s time for a break.
Ok, the baby’s still asleep. Start your second pass. Pin along sashings (why does spell check not like that? Did I spell it wrong?). Notice butt and thighs burning. Yah! (ish?)
Finally! Done! Drag pregnant self up off the ground. Use a piece of furniture to help if you need. (Heave!) Admire your work:
Untape quilt sandwich from the floor. Rejoice that baby is still asleep and you can do some of the fun part: quilting! (Fine. Put room back in order before you do the fun stuff. Unroll carpet. Move back furniture and toys.)
For Amalie’s big girl bed quilt, I am quilting it using a loopy flowers design I saw here. I was going to do plain ole’ stippling, but I couldn’t get the tension right. Very frustrating, but I like flowers better. What I really like is that each flower is a separate unit – a manageable chunk if you will.
You are my hero! 🙂
This had me laughing – especially the snickers part. Yes. Yes. and Yes. I'm not even pregnant and I feel like I need a reward halfway through!
I love your quilt and would like to make something similar for my future grands. The links you provided to the block pattern and to the loopy flower quilting have both been moved or removed as websites change. It is possible you could locate the updated locations? I’m extremely new to quilting and I feel confident that this pattern is doable for a beginner. Sometimes I’m mistaken in my assessment but hoping this will be a good learning project that won’t overwhelm me too much. I think a crib quilt for starters. thanks for sharing your process. I learned so much from your article and love how you paced yourself throughout.
It seems like the owner has moved or removed it. Sorry!