A couple of nights ago, I finished a quilt top I’m making for a friend’s daughter. It was exciting! As you can see, the colors are pink and brown. I used this no triangle tutorial from Amanda Jean.

All cut and stacked waiting to be layed out and pieced:
Random thoughts: This quilt top was so mentally challenging for me. I think I used my seam ripper more than I ever have before. Also, I really don’t like sewing long strips of fabric together and then cutting them into blocks, but I usually gravitate towards those patterns. This quilt was no exception. So, although this quilt could have been pieced rather quickly, I broke the long strips of sewing up over a couple of weeks. After that it was fun!

Much to my delight, there is a zig zag quilt along for 2010. Check out the flickr pool by clicking on the button. There are some really pretty quilts already added.
Been looking through this blog and found this one about Arden-grace's blanket. So appreciate your hard work and that they both have such a beautiful heirloom.