Tonight I have piles of mess everywhere. E.V.E.R.Y.W.H.E.R.E. (Gosh that was annoying to type!)
See: mess
But tonight, I chose to quilt instead. And face the mess another day. Like tomorrow. After work. When everyone is tired. That ought to work well. hehe. But! I finished all my red geese for my Christmas quilt WIP. All 174 red Christmas geese. Yah! Geese on a chain:
My favorite new, old tool:
My “organization” scheme (see pink and brown zig zag quilt waiting to be sandwiched and quilted in background):
Next step: sewing them together into 6 rows, well 5 because I’ve already sewed one. Then on to the green geese.
Sewing is ALWAYS better than housework!
I agree with angela