I also like to get things done. So this stack? And his little brother (not pictured)?
Ever since I saw this quilt , I have wanted to make it. After much hemming and hawing, I gave in and decided to purchase 10(!) yards of fabric needed to make it. (It took me awhile to decide to spend the money because I’d already spent money on several other projects in the works! )
My local quilt shop was having an end of year sale (like, no duh) so I saved some money. Since we were leaving the next day on a New Year’s road trip, but I of course wanted to work with my new pretties. Using this technique, I cut some squares to work on in the car and was able to hand piece roughly 20 geese. In general, I really like the feel of hand pieced and quilted blocks, but I think it’s only because you don’t iron the mess out of the fabric, so it only seems softer. I was debating on doing the whole thing by hand. But…
There are over 300 geese in the finished quilt. So, I think I’ll be ok with machine quilted blocks. *nods happily*
Anyhoo, Here are some of my Christmas Geese.
As an aside, I was really irritated with myself because I over cut. I cut 50-60 more red squares than I needed. Thus, I burned through all my red scraps. (Arg!) Alas, I guess I will have to make that Ocean Waves quilt I’ve been wanting to make too. 🙂
Machine quilting though.
These colors are fantastic